Recent content by Tarquin

  1. Tarquin

    Oh My Goodness!

    Awwww, shucks. Doesn't send to Canada! :-P
  2. Tarquin

    Moving to Hogtown

    Getting settled into life in TO, but I've lived here before so it's not a big adjustment. Of course I'll attend the show on September 17 in Etobicoke.
  3. Tarquin

    Moving to Hogtown

    Thanks, Peter. That's good to know. Maybe I'll meet some of the forum members. I assume the "" banner will be on display. :-s
  4. Tarquin

    Moving to Hogtown

    Relocating at the end of the summer to Toronto. Have lived there before, so this won't be a total surprise. Maybe I'll make a trek up to Barrie to visit you, Brian.
  5. Tarquin

    Bavarian M15

    Pretty as a picture. Nice piece.
  6. Tarquin

    Trip to Bavaria

    I'm headed to Bavaria this August to visit family and friends. Will definitely be going to the army museum in Ingolstadt. Are there any good spots for 'Haube hunting? I'm planning to hit some of the local flea markets, but are there any other possibilities?
  7. Tarquin

    Garde eagle and star" onclick=";return false; Besides missing the crown on the eagle, what do you think? Is the age/patina a bit odd...
  8. Tarquin

    Bavarian Gefreiter Knoepfe UPDATE

    Looking to buy a matching pair of Bavarian Gefreiter knoepfe, preferably in feldgrau or silver. Either Pre-war or 1916 varieties. Update May 19: Managed to pick up a set but still looking for the 1916 variety (Lion with Rautenschild)
  9. Tarquin

    New reference book

    I followed the advice of the wise and purchased a copy of the Didier Laine book, L'Armee Allemande en 1914. I think it will be very useful.
  10. Tarquin

    SOS 2016 #2

    Great photos. And bank account safely intact!
  11. Tarquin

    Two Bavarian M15 Officer helmets

    It is a thing of beauty! =D>
  12. Tarquin

    2016 SOS Table Layout

    I'm with Spiker - also jealous. But I take comfort in knowing that I won't be tempted to spend money I don't have!
  13. Tarquin

    Reservist stein

    I wasn't sure if I should post this in latest find or in collector story. My father has a regimental stein from his grandfather who was a Gefreiter in the 2nd Chevauleger "Taxis" Regiment. It's in great condition and I hope to get it some day. Well before Christmas I was browsing eBay looking...
  14. Tarquin

    Bombay Bavarian

    The Wappen (if you can call it that) is an abomination. It looks like it was created by someone who never really had a good look at the actual Bavarian coat of arms. Yikes! [-X
  15. Tarquin

    Unknown Cap.....

    The kepi and colour remind me of a Confederate cap from the US Civil War.