Search results

  1. Tarquin

    Moving to Hogtown

    Relocating at the end of the summer to Toronto. Have lived there before, so this won't be a total surprise. Maybe I'll make a trek up to Barrie to visit you, Brian.
  2. Tarquin

    Trip to Bavaria

    I'm headed to Bavaria this August to visit family and friends. Will definitely be going to the army museum in Ingolstadt. Are there any good spots for 'Haube hunting? I'm planning to hit some of the local flea markets, but are there any other possibilities?
  3. Tarquin

    Garde eagle and star" onclick=";return false; Besides missing the crown on the eagle, what do you think? Is the age/patina a bit odd...
  4. Tarquin

    Bavarian Gefreiter Knoepfe UPDATE

    Looking to buy a matching pair of Bavarian Gefreiter knoepfe, preferably in feldgrau or silver. Either Pre-war or 1916 varieties. Update May 19: Managed to pick up a set but still looking for the 1916 variety (Lion with Rautenschild)
  5. Tarquin

    New reference book

    I followed the advice of the wise and purchased a copy of the Didier Laine book, L'Armee Allemande en 1914. I think it will be very useful.
  6. Tarquin

    Reservist stein

    I wasn't sure if I should post this in latest find or in collector story. My father has a regimental stein from his grandfather who was a Gefreiter in the 2nd Chevauleger "Taxis" Regiment. It's in great condition and I hope to get it some day. Well before Christmas I was browsing eBay looking...
  7. Tarquin

    Feldwebel Bavarian Infantry Pickelhaube

    So excited today. I just received in the mail a Pickelhaube I purchased from a German auction house. The write-up identified it as belonging to a Feldwebel in the Bavarian Infantry. The Hinterschirm needs a bit of re-stitching but otherwise it's in great shape. An added bonus is that tucked...
  8. Tarquin

    Bayern Pickelhaube

    Christmas came early for me. Just received in the post my first Bavarian -- a Vulkan-fibre EM Bavarian cavalry Pickelhaube (c. 1912). Has the Knopf 91 posts, so I'll need to track down Kokarden and schuppenkette. Virtual cigars all round! 8-)
  9. Tarquin

    Question: how to attach a portepee to a sword

    How does one go about attaching a portepee to a Bavarian pallatsch? It certainly seems to be different from the American and British style. Any help would be appreciated.
  10. Tarquin

    Militaria shows in Western Canada

    I'm wondering if there are any good shows in western Canada where Imperial items might be found. Jumping in my car and driving to Louisville, KY isn't an option for me right now :wink:
  11. Tarquin

    Bavarian older Wappen

    I just got this Bavarian Wappen in the mail today and I love it. What impressed me was how HUGE it was in comparison to Wappen for Other ranks. We're the helmet bodies so much bigger for officers/cavalry?
  12. Tarquin

    Army Museum, Ingolstadt

    Some pics from a visit I made a few years ago to the military museum in Ingolstadt, Bavaria. Eye candy free of charge!
  13. Tarquin

    Help: Cleaning old photos

    Does anyone have any experience cleaning old photos, such as the cards de visit, etc. I have a few good ones but they have fly s**t and the like on them. I know the golden rule is: first, do no harm!
  14. Tarquin

    Schoene Gruesse

    Introducing myself as a new forum member. My name is Ed and I come from the Great White North, aka Canada. I've always been interested in German history, but also got a degree in East European Studies. My great-grandfather was in the 2nd Chevauleger Regiment (Taxis) in the 1890's and was a...