Search results

  1. J

    Show your Best Steel Helmet of 2013

    OK time to activate this thread so Show US. Jerry
  2. J

    Mutze Cockade... Saxon.

    I need a sew on Saxon Mutze Cockade. Thanks for any help. Jerry
  3. J

    Train Unit.

    I have two Prussian helmets and wonder if they are from the same unit. Here are the markings; 1. TB. 8 &1901 (M95.) 2. Tr. A. 8 &1915 (M15.) Dont get excited James they are not for sale you have too many of these anyhow. SOS SOS SOS SOS SOS Thanks :D :D Jerry
  4. J

    After 40 years! Merry Christmas to me!

    I thought I'd share this with my friends here. I received a phone call from an old Army buddy who I have not seen or heard from in 40 years yesterday. We were good friends and had a long and interesting conversation about whats happened since then. It was like we had just talked yesterday and...
  5. J

    Rockford Show

    Any reports from this show? :D :D Jerry R.
  6. J

    WW2 Helmets

    Always looking for WW2 German & ? helmets. [email protected] :D :D Jerry R.
  7. J


    This Number 7946251 is in an m95 enlisted helmet. It is in the heavy scrip that is hard to read but the fellows first name starts with an M and last name starts with a N or a R. Then what looks like Numbrist 7946251. Fpn? Serial #? The regimental number is a 111 or 1?? I'll show it to...
  8. J

    MAX 2006

    Hi guys anyone going to the show in Indy? I got my tables anyone else? Jerry