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  1. G

    Paypal-Link doesn‘t work

    Should be fixed now, thanks for letting us know. Best regards, Logan Loree
  2. G

    Update: Forum Host Change / Major Updates

    With the scale of updates the old theme wasn't compatible with our forum. We've edited the theme to replace the pink with silver. Hope it looks better :D Logan Loree
  3. G

    Update: Forum Host Change / Major Updates

    Hello Everyone, Just some information regarding the forums: You will notice that there quite a few little visual changes here and there to the overall look of the forum. Also, you may or may not run into some bugs whilst browsing/ posting. To give an idea of the scale of the updates done, the...
  4. G

    Changes to the ranks for Contributors/Lite Contributors

    We have recently discovered that the light contributor user group has unintentionally been edited to not allow any creation of topics, which acts as a deterrent for new growth and development of our online community. To be fair with the other ranks, I have edited the normal contributor rank to...
  5. G


    Very clever. :D
  6. G


  7. G

    spam alert on diffrent threads!!

    User has been banned and the spam threads have been wiped. Thank you for notifying us.
  8. G

    More sections?

    Making any changes to the forums currently is a risky action and would make me nervous. Things aren't exactly stable at the moment. We just discovered that since Summer of 2014 there have been an estimated 300 users who were not activated due to no administrator activation. We had no idea that...
  9. G

    Changes To The Activation System

    For the last two years, there have been some ongoing issues regarding how registration works. A visitor creates an account and a verification is sent to administrator's email to activate registration. The problem with this has been that emails have not been sent to us. This means that most new...
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    The way the internet is today, I'm not surprised. Most forums are completely filled to the top with people who'd spend their day trying to have your strings pulled like a puppet. Hopefully he is properly banned this time.