Coming soon, a update specifically for Chas!

Well we start out with a pretty Standard M17 in camo that shows honest wear!



Then we look on the inside and see it is full of stamps and soldier ID of who shipped the helmet home, I love that their is somthing scribbled out on the bottom and the word censered written by it!



Now for the fun part, check out the mailing label of where the helmet was shipped!


Now I know the last names do not match, but I still think it is cool!

Hi James:

That is cool. I have never visited Minerva, but I have been through the region. Surrounding towns include Cadiz (birthplace of Clark Gable), New Rumley (birthplace of George Armstrong Custer), and Steubenville (birthplace of Dean Martin).

One surprise deserves another. Sergeant Unkefer, whose given name was Arthur, shipped the helmet home to his father, Charles Homer Unkefer (see entry 75 from the link below).

The original surname was "Ungefehr" and the family came from Bavaria. How ironic is that?

It's a beautiful helmet.

Chas. :thumb up:
Tony you are correct, if you look close you can still see the ice melting!

Chas- thanks for the info on the Vet and his family, pretty cool
