I read this, and I want to share with you


New member
Hi Guys,

It was in Portuguese, for that reason, forgive me the translation.

" Perhaps I come to age too fast.
But I will struggle for every day it has been worthwhile.
Perhaps I suffer countless disillusions in elapsing of my life.
But I will do that they lose the importance before the love gestures that I will find.

Perhaps I don't have forces to accomplish all my ideals.
But I will never be considered a defeated.
Perhaps in some instant I suffer a terrible fall.
But I won't be for a long time looking at the ground.

Perhaps one day the sun stops shining.
But then I will take a bath in the rain.
Perhaps some day I suffer an injustice.
But I will never assume victim's script.

Perhaps I have to face some enemies.
But I will have humility to accept the hands that will extend in my direction.
Perhaps in an of those cold nights, I spill a lot of tears.
But I won't be embarrassed for this gesture.

Perhaps I am wrong countless times.
But I won't stop believing that somewhere somebody deserves my trust.
Perhaps with the time I notice that made great mistakes.
But I won't give up on continuing thrashing my road.

Perhaps with elapsing of the years I lose great friendships.
But I will learn that those that are really my true friends will never be lost.
Perhaps some person wants my badly.
But I will continue planting the seed of the fraternity through where to pass.

Perhaps I am sad when ending that don't get to follow the rhythm of the music.
But then, I will do that the music follows the compasses of my steps.
Perhaps I never get to see a rainbow.
But I will learn how to draw a, nor that is inside of my heart.

Perhaps today I feel weak.
But tomorrow I will resume, nor that is in a different way.
Perhaps I don't learn the necessary lessons.
But I will be the aware that the true teachings are already recorded in my soul.

Perhaps I depress me for not knowing the words of that music.
But I will be happy with the other capacities that I possess.
Perhaps I don't have reasons for great commemorations.
But I won't stop getting happy with the small conquests.

Perhaps the will of abandoning everything becomes my companion.
But instead of fleeing, I will run behind what I long for.
Perhaps I am not exactly who I would like of being.
But I will start to admire who am. Because in the end I will know that, even with countless doubts, I am capable to build a better life.

It is been still not to convince me of that, it is because as it says that dictation ": the end didn't still arrive ".
Because in the end there won't be any " perhaps " and yes the certainty that my life was worthwhile, and I made the best than it was able to "

This was written by a plenty known public man (done already die), who would some of you know who wrote?

Hi Guys,

K-B remembered me that I didn't say the name of the writer.

Aristoteles Onassis, yes himself!