Recent content by JayKay

  1. J

    Puzzle, two maker marks in one helmet dome??

    Thanks B.Loree :thumb up: : That is a plausible theory, and would explain why the MG&R Neu Isenburg stamp seems to have no date. The over stamp from Dresden is then issued 1915 after they finished the helmet. Im curious if there are more (issued) helmets around with two maker stamps. JayKay :D
  2. J

    Puzzle, two maker marks in one helmet dome??

    The stamps are not in the liner, but close to eachother in the shell as you can see in the picture. Neu Isenburg is 470kilometers away from Dresden so I dont think these two makers worked together. JayKay
  3. J

    Puzzle, two maker marks in one helmet dome??

    Hi Guys, I try to determine the history of my simple OR Prussian. helmet. The stange thing is that there are two maker marks in one dome :-k , also BJA XVIII so it is repaired. Thanks to the splendid site of the Colonel I was able to determine the makers stamps. There is one stamp of the...
  4. J

    New Dutch member

    Hello Pickelhaube lovers, A little story of a newbe... I live in the North of the Netherlands. And every year in autumn/winter I visit the Western Front in France. There we wander arround in forests, underground tunnels, forts, villages an musea. A lot of musea have the most beautiful...