eBay Dirty Tricks



I have a strong interest in the following item, an 8th JzP with matching cover:


Over the weekend, I watched in horror as a senseless bidding frenzy erupted, elevating the price to $3,500.00. The whole farrago boiled down to one individual (whether through ego, spite, or sheer lunacy) trying to topple the high bidder's proxy maximum. Having finally succeeded, and faced with possibility of having to put his money where his shill was, this cretin promptly retracted his bids and the price dropped to $1,900.00.

We all know that shill bidding is a fact of life (which eBay does little to guard against) but in this instance, I sincerely doubt the seller was involved. The helmet is in Cincinnati, Ohio and the two players in this little drama are registered in France. The reason given for the bid retraction was: "Mauvais montant saisi."

Chas. :x :x :x :x :x
And you know what this means Chas, "wrong amount entered"... I didn't even know you can retract a bid so easily on ebay.
I was also looking with keen interest at this helmet but the price rapidly escalated into the stratosphere and out of my reach. I have noted several times that bidders (particularly Europeans) will blatantly bid on an item until they find the reserve and then retract the last bid - The bidders are often habitual offenders.

Hi Mike:

What makes this case particularly aggravating is that the helmet was listed without a reserve at $99.99. What the high bidder "minglifu" doesn't realize is that by placing a maximum bid in excess of $3,000.00 one day into the auction, he is, in effect, establishing a personal reserve and only bidding against himself.

The only possible explanation is that minglifu has been "out of town" since placing that bid. I suppose this would be my "strategy" too, if I could not be around for the final moments of the auction.

This helmet has attracted bidding from all over the globe: Australia, Taiwan, France, Germany. In the case of the Taiwanese, "yangrongder" has apparently never bid on a Pickelhaube, and has a feedback record of just 6 since September 2002.

You can tell this one got to me. These vines have sour grapes.

Chas. :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :!:
In Germany the eBay contract states that a bid that was once topped is not valid any more.

This protects sellers from "shielding", i.e., bidder A bids early a much too high price, then immediately another bidder B (a friend) bids even higher. The high price keeps any other people from bidding. Short before the end of the auction, bidder B retract his bid. Bidder A is now the winner, at a very low price. But in this case, the seller can legally refuse to sell because of the eBay regulation, if he knows it.
Bruno, aka 911car, won it. Congratulations! I mean this most sincerely. It went beyond my budget, but I'm glad to see a member of the forum win.

However, I believe there was some more chicanery in the bidding. Check the limited feedback of "tramedes" and "kyokoh76" and where they are registered.

Chas. :?:
May I respectfully ask why a helmet with some condition problems would bring this much money? Is this really what the market value is these days? I am truely amazed.

Hi Guys, I am guessing that the cover was a big part of the sale, but that does seem a lot of money. Maybe Bruno can enlighten us.
Chip Minx said:
May I respectfully ask why a helmet with some condition problems would bring this much money? Is this really what the market value is these days? I am truely amazed.

It's called " I have so much money I do not care what I pay". The helmet is worth about $2K, the cover is worth $300. So............ why is it??

No offence Bruno, but you have gone CRAZY! :wink:
" I have so much money I do not care what I pay". Oh this is not a nice comment, and it certainly does not reflect reality!... My difference with most of you may be that part of my background was on the european market. I bought my first JzP helmet about 12 years ago for the equivalent of roughly $ 2000.00 (I mean at the current exchange rate), which was considered a normal price in Europe at the time. It was not that great though but I had no problem at all to sell it again 3 years later, and I didn't lose money! I acquired two more since, which I still own. The reason why I bought this one is that it is complete and genuine, and of course that it comes with the Ueberzug. I have a special taste for spike helmets with their original marked cover, of which I have a number (JR109, DR25, DR26...). This adds to the value, and certainly more than the sum of the respective prices of the hat and cover. Moreover, if it is a rare cavalry Ueberzug... But I also bought this helmet because I know I would have no problem at all re-selling it. I would also like to add that you NEVER regret purchasing a helmet at slightly too high a price if it is a great helmet. But you always eventually regret to have bought a mediocre helmet, even if the price was attractive. This is, at least, my experience.
By the way I forgot something: PayPal is offering a 10% rebate on items purchased on ebay to celebrate its 10th annyversary. I will get the helmet for just $ 3000.00... nice deal!..
My best to all of you,
PS: as an example of what I wrote above, I looked crazy, many years ago, when I bought for about $ 1000.00 a 1915 prussian dragoon helmet in like new condition. A well worn one was sold on ebay a few weeks ago for about $ 2500.00, and it did not even have the correct spike!.. I wonder how much mine would be worth today...
I was pretty sure that the cover was the big part of this item, you can not value a helmet and cover as two items if they belong together. Those of you who like brass and silver will see the helmet first, as a trench collector, I see the Uberzeug first. I purchased a nice Filtzhelm a couple of years ago, just because it had a very nice OR Uberzeug.
Best wihses
With the collection of pointy stuff Tony has, he should be very glad prices are going high.
No Otto, We did not return the collection, but if ever there comes a time that any thing is sold, Tony will get a percentage of the price, so it is in his best intrest for prices to go up.
Bruno brings up a very good point rarity, condition and matching accoutrements are major things that have to be considered. I would very much like to own a helmet that is marked to JR52 because I have the uberzug from this regt in my collection. I would even try to buy a JR52 helme and uberzug if they came up at auction just to have the matching pieces. We all know that the Dragoner helmets are rare....I have a Prussian one BUT if I saw the same helmet at a very good price I would be a fool not to buy it for future resale. We can never lose sight of the fact that these pieces are investments. Certain helmets beacuse of rarity, condition and accoutrments will increase in value more quickly than others. Congratulations Bruno on your winning this helme and uberzug.
My 2 cents, Brian
I think we all have stories of paying a premium for something that we really wanted. Years later we rarely regret it. I remember buying my second M07/10 issue enlisted tunic for the outrageous sum of $625.00 (in 1986). Or how about my M08 enlisted issue hussar tunic for $100.00 (from a dealer in 1974). It's an old story. Bruno's right, of course.
