Garde Kürassier and Kürassier Regiment Driesen


Years ago I found of the rooftop the Küraß and Garde Küsseier Haube, and the Küraß and Kürassierhelmet. The family friends of us gave me the things only with one word don´t sell it.
So I restarted the thinks and started the history behind the things.
The family asked me about the history of the Jerusalem journey of the father´s Rittmeister.
This was for me the reason to write this article.

Military Career of Paul XXXXXXXX Kürassier Guard regiment to an Rittmeister Kürassier Regiment Driesen (Westphalian) No 4

The images show the uniform of the XXXXXXXX Paul Helm and Cuirass come from him. The Koller is not from hin - but an original! Picture A

The black-white image in XXXXXXXX Paul shows in the uniform of the Guard cuirassiers.
Guard cuirassiers came at that time very often from families wealthy industrialist. A sign of appreciation of money nobility by the Emperor.

In the higher prestige and almost solely to the nobility, however, was reserved for the Regiment Garde du Corps. The difference between the regiments was the color of the insignia on the uniforms: Guard cuirassiers Prussian-blue, Garde du Corps Regiment Porcounrot.

Paul was a so-called "One-year", indicated by the black and white cord around the shoulder pieces. One year had their equipment, uniforms, accommodation etc. to pay themselves, but were shorter than the regular forces. They bought their service. When the infantry was normal three years of service and "One-year" were really only a year. The cavalry, who belonged to Paul, the duty of the "One Year" has been shortened from three to two years.
The uniforms of "annuals were like" in appearance and quality, the officers' uniforms.

Paul has been adopted as a cadet / officer candidates. His helmet is a unique ensign helmet. Good to see the helmet body, the back has the "comb" and is not "smooth" is like the normal helmets of the lower ranks. By replacing the emblem, the rosettes on the chin scales by clovers, this helmet to an officer helmet. Furthermore, the parade eagle is not secured with a thumbscrew, but with Humpback screws, after Offiziersart.

He was dismissed as so-called ergo a cadet officer candidates, who came by recommendation of the officer corps in this position.
By Reserve exercises at the battleship Regiment of Driesen (Westphalian) No. 4, two times per year, about 8 weeks, he was promoted over the years, the captain of the reserve of Cuirassiers "by Driesen (Westphalian) No 4 .
He served in this regiment just after finishing his career with the Guard cuirassiers.
His patent for the captain he Reserveerhielt in December 1900.

Paul himself described this as a reserve training myself happy time, detached from everyday life, and also the responsibility of the family.
(According to family history)

Curiously, the Reserve Officers Paul XXXXXXXX in the ranking of 1905 - Captain XXXXXXXX, Kürassier Regiment v. Driesen, only with the country first military service award Class listed, award March 1904 (first order from left).
Other awards are:
 the Red Eagle Order 4th 21/01/1909 Class
(Awarded in the form with smooth arms until 1830-1846, awarded in 1854 with granular poor. This is important because William C ... .. (his father) was awarded the same medals, but Paul was not the form of granular poor, but that of his father William.
 war merit cross for assistance in the first World War, was awarded to civilians
The clip above shows all three religious orders as so-called coat clasp.
 Red Eagle, country first national service award Class
 Country first military award Class
 war merit cross for help.
Creation date of the Order of the miniature braces and brace against 1917th
Picture C

Jerusalem Travel:

In 1898 the German Kaiser Wilhelm II made with his wife Augusta Viktoria a trip to the Orient, whose chief aim was to visit the Holy Land as pilgrims and inaugurate the newly built Church of the Redeemer in Jerusalem. At the same time, this trip was of great political importance, as it demonstrated the close association of the German Reich with the Ottoman Empire, which was criticized in the other European powers entirely.

The Imperial Yacht 'Hohenzollern'

They started the journey to Constantinople, where the tour group went on board the imperial yacht 'Hohenzollern'.
By boat we then traveled to Haifa, where 25 October 1898 a German Emperor, for the first time since the Crusades, walked into the Holy Land. By land, we went to Jaffa and thence to Jerusalem. There was the imperial couple a week and made a trip to visit Bethlehem. On 31 October, the Reformation, then a dedicated Wilhelm II the German Evangelical Church of the Redeemer in Jerusalem. On 4 November drove the train by train to Jaffa and thence by boat to Beirut. After a trip to Lebanon and Syria, the Emperor was on 26 November 1898 again in Berlin.
Paul has been allowed to accompany his father as this was very frail, at this time. (Where I was able to see your documentation) Therefore, He was giving no Jerusalem cross.

Founded in 1898 by Kaiser Wilhelm II after his trip to Palestine a medal, called Jerusalem Cross.
Paul had when he wore his uniform and the score progressed to now the uniform of the Cuirassiers bear "by Driesen (Westphalian) No. 4 and not the uniform cuirassiers Guard. Paul and the son of Barkhausen went in front of the Kaiser....
Then he looked like this Picture D

Unfortunately, the helmet of Paul to restore (the items are at my home). For this reason, the cuirass and the Order of the only parts of Paul. (Uniform original as complete)

Why Paul and his father were invited to participate in the journey to Jerusalem.

Speech at the grave of William C. .. (1831-1902) ... We got to know him as a very loyal friend of the inner Mission. It is to him will never forget what he as a long-Treasurer and later Chairman of the Diakonia Institute in Kaiserswerth, as cashier of the Rhenish Provincial Committee of the Interior Mission, as a board member of the Jerusalem Association, as which he had the honor and joy to His Majesty, our King, in the holy places of the promised land to dwell ,....

Letter from Paul to his wife
02/11/1898 uniform to have taken ..... I do not regret, I marched with Barkhausen & Schwerin at the head of the procession, our fathers were the final. (in the Church of the Redeemer for the dedication) I hope not the last time the White Rock taken to have.

Picture "kaiserbesuch" shows:
Reformation Day October 31, 1898
Kaiser Wilhelm II (circle) with his wife Augusta Viktoria handing over the keys to Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm Barkhausen, president of the Upper Church Council.

Paul in uniform and once as a Rittmeister at the beginning of his career as a Garde Kürassier
Picture E and F

What a wonderful article! I remember that there was a section on converting one year volunteer helmets in the Neuman catalo. Great story!
Hey Michèl,
The Neumann catalogue was a supplier of military equipment in Imperial Germany, these catalogues are difficult to find, but Joe has published his copy in a reprint, it is titled Neumann & Müller Imperial German Military Catalogues. It is well worth the cost, it is currently available on Amazon for $31.99
Thanks! I guess I lost a key letter. The publisher is a little bit cheaper. $28.99

Of course I am biased but I think it is well worth looking at what was available for sale or purchase. There seems to have been a significant difference depending upon the catalog.Neumann I think is particularly good.
Joe may be biased, but I am not, these types of reprints on period catalogues are really great, they give us a look into what was available, and what it cast. An example of the interesting information available in this book, I often wondered how long one could expect one of the trench flash lights we see hanging from soldier's Mantle buttons would last, on page 23 the catalogue tells us that they had a 5 hour batterie (although I suspect that was optomistic).
I would have posted a photo of the cover, but that would have been a copyright violation:)
I would have posted a photo of the cover, but that would have been a copyright violation:)

No it wouldn't! There are so many misunderstandings about copyright that keeps the lawyers employed. Different international laws and timetables complicate the matter and I do not claim to have an airtight grasp on the subject but we are entering into contract negotiations with a new publisher for the next book–color!–and copyright seems pretty straightforward. :cool: :cool:
Hey Joe, I was just trying to look like a law abiding citizen, instead of a lazy lout.
We are a bit off topic, but the "Neumann & Müller Imperial German Military Catalogues" reprint is not off topic, and is a book that should be in every Imperial German historian's library.