Hessian Leib-Dragoner nr 24 Enlisted

I think that it is dark green ?

I know they are listed as dark green but everything I've ever seen looks black to me just like the color on your beautiful boards. It looks like black and white; I would be surprised if you asked anyone not in the Hobby and they said that's dark-green and white.

I looked and the great cavalry volume by Verlag Militaria and even the tunic shown in the book looks black to me. It does mention in the text that they don't even list the color for Hessian Units because there are too many inconsistencies. I have a few Bavarian Chevaulegers tunics that are very dark green but everything I've ever seen for the 24, Dragoons looks black in comparison.

Who knows Steve, maybe I'm a bit color blind but it would be the first time I've ever had a problem but it's not impossible.

I would like to ask others who have the book I mention to look up the beautiful tunic for the 24. pictured on page 361. I would really be curious for other thoughts; I certainly wouldn't argue either way but if you fold the pages and do side by sides with dark greens in the book there is a marked difference.
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JJ - it is indeed a very (very) dark green, usually referred to as "steel green." Like many of the more nuanced colors from the era, its hard to capture in photographs. (The cap is the same one pictured in that book, btw - p. 346)

Technically, it is the same green the Bavarian Chevauleger and Uhlans used, but in practice it always seemed to run darker. And add to that the slight fashion variations depending on the year...and you have a wider spectrum. Tony has a great example on his site of cornflower blue variations, which were all over the map!
JJ - it is indeed a very (very) dark green, usually referred to as "steel green." Like many of the more nuanced colors from the era, its hard to capture in photographs. (The cap is the same one pictured in that book, btw - p. 346)

Technically, it is the same green the Bavarian Chevauleger and Uhlans used, but in practice it always seemed to run darker. And add to that the slight fashion variations depending on the year...and you have a wider spectrum. Tony has a great example on his site of cornflower blue variations, which were all over the map!
this can be all over the board
Take shoulder straps for example
Dragoon Regt 7
look at the different shades of the fabric used on my examples
what I call rose / pink
how many different people used different bolts of cloth while making these straps ?Dragoon Regt 7.JPG