Someone got burned for $1K + commission on a made in UK repro Hessen Helmet


Well-known member

I notice that someone got burned big time on a fake made in the UK Hessen Officer Pickelhaube on the Milestone Auction yesterday (Saturday, June 29th, 2024).

Here's the link to the auction item #94:

The helmet sold for $1,000.00 + Buyer Premium of 20% Cash & Check, and 23% For Credit Card ($1,200.00 with Buyer Premium for Cash or Check, or $1,230.00 with Buyer Premium for Credit Card Payment).

I have one just like it that I purposely purchased as a repro for approximately $125 several years ago, so that I can have one of these crummy made in the UK fake helmets to show others what they look like.

Best Wishes,

Doesn't the auction house have a responsibility here as well? It is sold as a "WWI" helmet, which it clearly isn't.

Thanks for saying this Lars. I am not certain whether or not the buyer can get a refund on this spurious, replica helmet. That is a good question.

I do know from reading the WAF forum, that the auction house sold some far more expensive fakes on this auction.

According to knowledgeable members on the Wehrmacht Awards Forum (WAF), the following items are fakes as well:

Lot # : 322 - WWII NAZI GERMAN WAFFEN SS GENERALS NAMED UNIFORM which sold for $28,000 U.S. Dollars + 20% Buyer Premium.
found here:

Lot # : 320 - WWII NAZI SS ALLGEMEINE TUNIC SD HAUPTAMT WW2 sold for $9,250 U.S. Dollars + 20% Buyer Premium.
found here:

Lot # : 305 - WWII NAZI GERMAN 75 PANZER ASSAULT BADGE JUNCKER sold for $4,700 U.S. Dollars + 20% Buyer Premium.
found here:
Apparently this badge is a Post War "Souval" made copy.
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Sadly, there are thousands of really bad fakes that sell.

Like mentioned no shame in seeking help before committing to buying and with the wonderful tools available today such as this forum its really unnecessary.


Thanks John Josef!

Yes, "Buyers Beware" because some auction houses have fakes salted in their auctions. Whether the auction house actually realize this fact or not is hard to determine.

I could name 2 or 3 auction houses that are notorious for selling mostly fake 3rd Reich items. I would say they are the true "dumping ground" for bad items. Sadly most fake or replica military items seem to eventually find a new home, either through auction sales, or dealer sales.
For some of these auction houses, the temptation of raking in about $5K USD in hammer fees doesn't encourage them to look too hard when assessing originality.

A short-sighted business practice, certainly, but most of us who've been around a while know more than a few dealers who went down the same road when the money got serious and are now just bad memories.
Thanks John Josef!

Yes, "Buyers Beware" because some auction houses have fakes salted in their auctions. Whether the auction house actually realize this fact or not is hard to determine.

I could name 2 or 3 auction houses that are notorious for selling mostly fake 3rd Reich items. I would say they are the true "dumping ground" for bad items. Sadly most fake or replica military items seem to eventually find a new home, either through auction sales, or dealer sales.

Dumping ground is the correct term (y)

The temptation for "dealers" to throw something they can't sell to their regular clients into an auction is very strong. They think I'll just let the buyers put a value on it and decide if its original or not, that's how they clear their conscience. :oops:

Not to mention the complete anonymity their able to operate in which doesn't damage their reputation, I have heard plenty say I'm going to just dump it in an auction and see what happens.

I say "dealers" because we know the difference between a reputable dealer and the other lot. Unfortunately, sometimes that line can get a bit blurred.

When it comes to any form of sale especially auctions it really is very important to not just roll the dice and do your homework before clicking the button.
Sadly, they won't know how costly that mistake was until they go to sell down the road. It can be a terrible experience.

Buyers beware ☠️
Over the years, this Auction House has had some great items. Nonetheless, they have had a number of lots that had issues and they have been good a refunding when a buyer challenged authenticity. However, this auction had a number of items that were just plain bad and I cannot help but wonder if they have opted to go for the fast buck at the cost of their reputation. Sad situation indeed.