Bavarian Kokarden

I tried to make sense of the seemingly thousands of Bavarian Kokarden once.
I gave up hope. There are just too many variations out there.
Raupenhelm are especially confusing.

A beautiful collection, congratulations! I am sending a picture of a kokarde from Raupenhelm m.1845.It was used between 1848 and 1864


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Here are a couple of Raupenhelm examples.

Model 1868, Ludwig II, very similar to one pictured above (silver paint has worn away):


Model 1845, Ludwig II (this model was used until 1867), the Kokarde is wavy and small. It is also white and blue instead of silver and blue:


Thanks for this post James, even just that first photo is an education in itself!
Great post James! Another excellent reference for any collector looking for information on Bavarian kokarden. Thanks,👍
I am presently working on a Bavarian officer helmet which came with an original Prussian style kokarde but in the Bavarian colours:
On the left, a typical Bavarian officer kokarde with no middle edge to the blue painted ring. On the right a Bavarian officer kokarde in the Prussian style but in Bavarian colours. I am posting this to illustrate once again, that there are always 'exceptions" in the pickelhaube world. We can also see that the right hand kokarde is slightly smaller.
The reverse shot also shows some difference in manufacture which I think are pretty obvious. The use of white metal vs. brass prongs is nothing new to me as I have looked at many of these during restorations. The unpainted cardboard disc is a bit different though as most are black.