Evaporust and Saxon M15 Belt Buckle Before & After Photos


Well-known member
I would like to share my 1st experience using Evaporust, by adding to Brian's excellent comments from his Thread on "Evaporust and the M15 fittings"

I used the product on an M15 Saxon buckle that has the very rare maker's mark of "H.E. Peucker, Dresden" on the backside. I'll post before and after photos.

I did not remove all of the rust on the buckle for the reasons Brian stated: the product was starting to remove the original finish from the buckle, which I did not want to do. If I would have left the buckle in longer to remove the remaining thicker rust build up, it most likely would have stripped all the paint/finish off the buckle. The thickest and most serious rust on the viewer's upper left part of the buckle was reduced considerably, but not entirely removed, as you can see in my before and after photos. There was also a particularly serious and stubborn rust spot on the backside viewer's lower left corner area, which did not remove entirely either, but was simply reduced.

The buckle was immersed for 4 hours time. I checked on it every 10 minutes or so over that period of time, to maker sure it was not removing the finish from the buckle.

Best Regards,


Before evaporust front side photo:

Before evaporust back side photo:

Before evaporust maker mark photo:

After evaporust front side photo:

After evaporust front side photo:

After evaporust back side photo:

After evaporust maker mark photo:
Nice photo exposé Allen! I don't collect buckles but this was easy to follow and pretty darn clear. Thank you.
Great Alan, thanks for posting these pics which confirm my experience as well. The product has to be used extremely carefully on M15 items that have the typical M 15 galvanized/grey finish. You can not leave the entire piece in the product to deal with the areas of heavy rust, it takes so much off the patina of the lighter areas that you have to stop. The only thing that Tony suggested to me was to wet a small piece of paper towel with EvPr and put it on the heavily rusted areas which are shown on your buckle. I think that is a good suggestion, and I will be trying that as well.