Regimental markings on M79 Reichsrevolver


New member
I am hoping that forum members can help me decipher the marks on my Prussian issue M79 Reichsrevolver.

There is a crossed out mark which is 1.R.A.G.2.58. I guess that this could be 1st Guard Reserve Field Artillery 2nd battery weapon 58. Does that sound OK?

A second mark, not crossed out, is 5.G.A.6.58. It is tempting to suppose that this is 5th Guard Artillery 6th battery weapon 58. far as I can see from internet searching, there were only four Guard Field Artillery regiments.

What do forum members reckon?

First of all welcome to the forum ,glad you came here with your question,you will definitly find the anwors here

So ,as for your question both your combinations are fully correct

Both have existed you can find both at GenWiki however not mutch information is to be found where these have fought in the war



Many thanks for your warm welcome to the site and for confirming that my M79 is a Guard Artillery issue.

I will try to post some pictures of the revolver and hope that the learning curve to do this will not be too daunting!

I had understood that there were only 4 Guard Artillery regiments. Was this peacetime strength only with the 5th Guard Artillery being a wartime raised unit?

It is interesting that my revolver is weapon number 58 when originally in the 1st Guard Reserve and, again, number 58 when in the 5th Guard Artillery. Just a coincidence or would the whole 1st Reserve have been transferred en-bloc to a newly formed 5th Guards?

Welcome Weimar, I also would love to see some photos when you have time to post them.