A thread from other forum


Well-known member
Just want to share this with everybody on this forum and I am sure that sooner or later, or we may already have newbies who believes like the guy in the thread . You seldom see Alan "telling off" anyone as he is always polite but this newbie really trigger him.

One of the reason why I love this Forum is (beside the fantastic knowledge about Pickelhaubes), the friendly spirit and mutual respect.
Those insolent Newbis should not be part of this community.
That newbie was really arrogant. Brian would not even consider to 'kick' that member out if that newbie appears to be here.

But he will be here anyway as he is into pickelhaubes.

I will work very hard to contribute here since i only posted one post there after joining for 18 months. 😂 LOL
I am a member of that forum as well, do not post much but a little from time to time.

I find a lot of negativity and or arrogance on the site, I guess it is going to happen when you have some many different categories and collector interests on one site.

I always come back to this forum after looking there for a breath of fresh air.

I commented on that thread. What I saw was a guy asking for help and getting ridiculed and beaten down. I started collecting over 50 years ago, and mainly collect arms. No internet, not many reference books, I paid my dues, took my knocks and learned the hard way. The bright spots of those days were the older, experienced guys who went out of their way to help out and share their knowledge with a young collector who was probably a pain in the ass to them with my endless questions. They are all gone now, but I try to honor their memories and pay it forward.

ottodog8 said:
I commented on that thread. What I saw was a guy asking for help and getting ridiculed and beaten down. I started collecting over 50 years ago, and mainly collect arms. No internet, not many reference books, I paid my dues, took my knocks and learned the hard way. The bright spots of those days were the older, experienced guys who went out of their way to help out and share their knowledge with a young collector who was probably a pain in the ass to them with my endless questions. They are all gone now, but I try to honor their memories and pay it forward.

That guy was not only asking for help. He was more like wanting to buy rare things with experts advice without putting in effort. He was not in anyway humble. This is evident in the way as to how he replied me, he was out to ridicule me when Is not on his side.

I was once a newbie and still am when compared to anyone here and I humbly ask members for opinions, but we have to ensure that we should know the basics and not to be here just taking experts advice to buy items. So I believe newbies must somehow put in effort. Even dealers make errors so having the knowledge will ensure we know what we are buying. 😊
I am a member on WAF too, but keep a low profile over there.

Like it is said here before, I prefere the friendly spirit we have here.
And it is not just here I like Warrelics and the French passionmilitaria too, for the same reason.

Can't understand why mod's didn't interfer....
I have been on WAF for many years and I was previously a Lifetime Member (long story). I think the problem over there is that civility can be lacking but that is due to it being too big and not as tight knit of a community.
Obviously, I have heard about some of the disputes over on WAF, thankfully, cooler heads prevail here. I have no interest in hosting a site where we have constant back biting and silly name calling, life is really too short to waste time on these things. I think we all encourage new collectors/members here to ask questions. In fact, part of our mission here is to make sure members do not get taken advantage of or make costly mistakes. At the same time, we have a long History on the forum of encouraging the purchase of reference books and we do have a section devoted to them. This EBay section was also created because of so many problem helmets being put up there. I guess the bottom line for us all, is that we are fortunate to have a great group of friendly, respectful collectors on this forum . :thumb up:
Peter_Suciu said:
I have been on WAF for many years and I was previously a Lifetime Member (long story). I think the problem over there is that civility can be lacking but that is due to it being too big and not as tight knit of a community.

The thing is that forums will always grow from strength to strength and the moderators and owner of the site have to set the culture. I found few members who were being 'kick off' from this forum ended up `enjoying' themselves at WAF.

I surf WAF only to look at pictures
I agree with Amy, that it is the responsibility of the forum owner and moderators to establish and protect the culture of the site. I believe that myself and our moderators have done that. I would also agree with Peter's comment that when a site gets too big things obviously can get out of control and become a free for all/ say want you want situation. I guess the WAF generates quite a bit of money for it's owner due to advertising.....so I have heard. Perhaps this also creates an attitude of...."I paid my $20 bucks membership, damn it, I can say whatever I want"??? On the other hand forum owners might be opting for the "reality/NOT!! TV model" where staged aggression/fights among participants/members generates interest, hits, internet stats?? :? It would also seem possible that a monetized site could also generate income from controversy/activity through "hits" on a forum ??? After 37.5 years of teaching in the High School situation, I have a very suspicious mind. :) No apologies for that. :p
PS: Perhaps one of our more tech/internet savvy members could comment on what I have postulated/ thrown out above ??

Internal forum hits don't usually generate revenue unless a large part of the page is eaten up by advertisements or you actually have to scroll through the ad content to see the discussions. Not worth the effort really, as pages like that turn people off to forums and then you lose your readership.

I think this is a simple case of a collector who is also a clown. Knows everything but asks for help. Wants to know what it's worth so he/she can figure out how much they can spend or make $ on.

Sometimes it's hard to tell if it's someone actually wanting real advice or a clown falling from the sky.

In this case, you now know what type of person this is and can avoid his posts accordingly.

The anonymity of a keyboard and a computer screen can really lower the civility of personal interactions. It's not just on collector sites. Pretty much every type of forum has its fair share of a-holes. Pickelhaubes is a very refreshing exception to that. Everyone here is always cordial and even if folks don't agree it's done in a courteous way.
As someone who used to have this attitude a little while ago (to which I have learned from), this man seemed to be very arrogant, hostile, and stubborn. He was incredibly rude to Alan and it makes me angry to see that he attacked him instead of heading his advice. Why can’t people just listen and learn from what more experienced and knowledgeable people have to say? I guess people are just so stubborn.