Boxing Day Pix for Mr. Huxley

Fantastic medal groupings!! This is a very interesting thread. It is not often that we see Von Schnurrs' jaw drop. I always wondered what it would look like! Brian

I know your away for a while, (Gus,Otto & Max .... get the truck quick) but that last bar of yours sure has left us with something very special to to look at and talk about. I think my real reaction to this one is I'm :notworthy: to be shown such beauties.

For one, that's the first ever mounted 1813 EKII I've seen, add to that the Kriegsdenkmünze für 1813-14 mounted ... very rare indeed.

I was going to also say, snap with the Bavarian pair, but I think that wouldn't add to the thread. So I'll show one more Officer bar before I pop in a few of the foot slogger ones.

Again a Saxon 2x bar consisting of the EKII followed by the Knights Cross 1st class of the Albert Order with swords.



I think I'd better show something for the poor foot slogger now ... Mind you this guy had to be one hell of a brave guy, or totaly insane to have been awarded this spange over the years. Only 108 individuals were awarded both the Gold and Silver Medals of the Saxon Order of St Henry.

Unfortunatly the spange is intact but someone, maybe the original awardee took off the Gold medal ... Times were hard in Germany following WW1 after all and the award would have brought some needed cash in.

My long term aim is to restore this bar to it's full glory, but that's going to be hard. There's many faked Gold St Henry medals out there, these have the silver medal gilded. Originals from the period would be bronze gilded or prior to WW1 solid gold.

The spange is :- EKII, Gold St Henry medal, Silver St Henry medal, Friedrich August Medal in silver and the honour cross for combatants.

Here it is



Hi Mike:

Apologies for the delay in complimenting you on those outstanding Sachsen bars. I have very little representing this Kingdom and your collection is certainly whetting my appetite.

Thank you also for the kind words regarding the Frackspange. The recipient of the 1813 EK must have worn it constantly (as evidenced by the areas of high wear to the ridge part of the frame).

Of further note, the edge of the Kriegsdenkmünze is engraved "Aus Erobertem Geschutz" (from conquered cannon).

My next contribution reflects the 1870 War and consists of an EK 2 with Jubiläumßpange, Kriegsdenkmünze für 1870-71, and Erinnerungskreuz für den Feldzug 1866 (obviously another long timer).



Close-up of the EK:


and Spange:


The reverse of the 1866 Erinnerungskreuz displays an interesting strike flaw. The obverse is fine (or is it?) Opinions welcomed here.


Well, I've just about exhausted my medal bars, without becoming repetitive; therefore, this may prove to be the nail in the coffin. It's nothing very special. I really like colonial medals, but this is the only one in the ol' collection: a Südwest Afrika Denkmünze für Kämpfer.

Mike, could we see the pictures of your Sachsen Flieger group again?



Hi Chas,

Well, you've done it again. Two more beautiful bars, 1870 EKII with Spange =P~ . Is there any makers mark on the EK Chas?

The reverse of the 1866 Erinnerungskreuz displays an interesting strike flaw.

As you say, it does look like a fault in the striking, but it's on the Obverse and not the Reverse I think. An interesting one anyway.

Don't tell me that this is where it ends, surely we're just getting started on this thread. After all, there's cased single awards, ribbon bars and loads of other things to post yet :eek:

As for my "Sachsen Flieger group" it's still shown on the threat below. Mind you it might be better if Otto could move it here??
Hi Mike:

No, it's not the end; merely the end of the beginning. I still have a few rabbits left in the hat.

Also, This isn't just a two man show. Now that Marshall has joined our ranks, it would be great seeing others contribute to this topic.

The owner of the Kriegsdenkmünze für 1870-71, and Erinnerungskreuz für den Feldzug 1866 chose to display these medals backwards. What you see from the back of the bar is actually the front. I haven't changed it.

No hallmark on the EK

epsomgreen said:
Also, This isn't just a two man show. Now that Marshall has joined our ranks, it would be great seeing others contribute to this topic.


A very good point you've made there .... it's about time we saw some of the other members goodies..... Come on guys, get posting!!!!!

In the meantime a few 3x bars that I keep stored in Riker cases.


With another 4x Saxon bar in this case.

Hi Tony:

Orphans, flight badges, etc. more than welcome.

Tony & Kaiser said:
epsomgreen said:
//it would be great seeing others contribute to this topic.//

Does it have to be just 1870 EK bars? Does an orphan 1870 EK count?

Of course not, show us your treasures!

Hi Mike and Chas, great bars!!! Keep on posting...

Mike, GAMA (German Airgoods My self Association) is acepting donations... :D
Rendsburg said:
Mike, GAMA (German Airgoods My self Association) is acepting donations... :D

Otto, Good try .... but I believe in ..... "Charity starts at home" :p They're all mine :lol:

Hey Tony lets see some of those nice EK's you have as well ..... PLEASE !!!!
OK.. but I think THIS thread should stay to the topic of 1870 bars. Even though Chas posted an incredible 1812. A thread of JUST 1870 EK solos and then another of 1914s would be more appropriate me thinks? Otherwise this thread will become 80 pages.
Hi Tony:

Actually, this topic began with a Marine Zeppelin grouping and then became an exchange of parade mount bars.

Perhaps you're right and it should be split into separate topics.

epsomgreen said:
//Actually, this topic began with a Marine Zeppelin grouping and then became an exchange of parade mount bars.

Oh. I see that now. That is the problem I suppose with any forum. They often drift badly from the original topic.
Tony & Kaiser said:
epsomgreen said:
//Actually, this topic began with a Marine Zeppelin grouping and then became an exchange of parade mount bars.

Oh. I see that now. That is the problem I suppose with any forum. They often drift badly from the original topic.

I think it's time we resurected this thread Chas :-k. So I'll post a bar that I managed to find since our last exchange. Your thoughts on it would be appreciated. In your opinion is that RAO correct, or do you think it should be the Prussian General award, which is on the same ribbon?

Hi Mike:

I believe the correct medal for the Spange would be either the Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen 2. Klasse 1847-1918, or Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen in Bronze, 1912. The Mannschaften Dienstauszeichnung 2. Klaße (twelve years) rules out the RAO, which was exclusively an officer award.

The good news is you've got a great Spange, a bonus Rother Adler-Orden 4. Klaße, and you can readily acquire the correct medal(s) from Herr Weitze (search for items 26116 and 59042).

Now, I need to scrounge up more things to post.


Thank you for sharing this splendid group and provenance. Fortunately, as I type my reply, I'm able to view your picture full size in Topic review (I wish the pixel limits would be revised for viewing in the actual post).

Yours is the first RAO 4 with swords I can recall seeing with a non-combatant ribbon, yet, the Südwestafrika-Denkmünze is the Kämpfer version. Do you also have Mayer's Landwehr Dienstauszeichnung? What an interesting career.
