Donations 2024


Staff member
I would like to personally thank the following members for their donations to the forum at the beginning of 2024:
Amy B, Peter B., Richard R., Justin G. and John G. My sincere thanks to you all for your support, it is greatly appreciated. Happy Hunting! :) (y)
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It was my pleasure to make a donation, it's a wonderful forum for like-minded people to meet, share ideas, opinions and information for the greater good of the Hobby we all love.

To be honest it's the least we can do, and I would encourage others in a position to help to do so as well. (y)
Eric B. I believe you have been a member here for quite a number of years. Thank you once again for your continued support! Leonard S my thanks to you for your recent donation as well. 👍
Thank you John S for your recent donation to the forum. I hope you are enjoying that Garde Helme you bought from me at the last SOS! :) I also look forward to seeing you at the next one, we always have some great conversations. 👍