Forum Down and Function Troubles


Staff member
Greetings to all from Canada: The site was down yesterday and is still experiencing problems today. for example the PM function is not working and some had problems posting photos. Joel is working on this as we speak. The problem was caused by an auto upgrade to our server. This feature has been removed and I am sure things will get back to normal. Your patience is appreciated. Brian
Steve: Your "like" seems to have gone through. Joel was working on this right after I tried to post this thread. Probably why it did not work initially.
Hello Brian, I have the same issue with my like button on my ipad and I can’t use the editor bar above the comment field. It is still visible, but just grey. Thank you and Joel for your efforts :eek:)
I just did a "like" and got the error, I then refreshed the page and my like was there. So working despite the error.
Hi all - just made a configuration change which should fix the issue with likes etc.

As far as I know the issue *primarily* affected mobile devices (i.e. phones, iPads) hence why it didn't affect everyone and why it wasn't caught immediately.

Things should behave as expected now but please do feel free to reach out if you notice anything else that's not right.
Hi all - just made a configuration change which should fix the issue with likes etc.

As far as I know the issue *primarily* affected mobile devices (i.e. phones, iPads) hence why it didn't affect everyone and why it wasn't caught immediately.

Things should behave as expected now but please do feel free to reach out if you notice anything else that's not right.
Do the fixes include the picture issue as well Joel?