Garde du Korps

I like it! Are those keyed threaded disks holding the eagle to the base? The eagle on my GdK has the same 'face', which seems to be a bit less detailed than some officer styles, but not as bad as what people here have referred to as a 'parrot' face. I've always wondered about it and would like to hear more opinions.

:D Ron
It's indeed looking good but isn't the eagle an Enlisted Men's type on an officer's base plate or is it just the pictures? Or is it just me?

Hi Adler
I am knew to collecting Pickelhaubes, and would be intrigued to know why you think its an ORs eagle. The detail is stunning on the feathers and the crown is gilded the eagle is almost black the pictures do not do it justice. I can send you some more pictures by pm as i am unable to post pictures. I do have some more from the previous owner sent to me from the USA, it did come from one of the forum members in 2006. Hope you can give me some more help.

could you please indicate more pictures from the beak and the eyes and the feet ?

The eagle does not look like an officer piece.

The Gardestern I am not like it.

Gruß Dragoner08
Dragoner, are you saying the photos you posted are of a copy, or the GdK being shown in the first photos?

:D Ron
Hi Ron,

the pictures of the helmet with the eagles are not so good, but the bill appears to be very round. That's not a good sign.

My eagle is 100% a fake.

Original eagle have an acute sloping beak. This eagle on the pics is original.
Could the helmet not be a manufactures variation. I have been in touch with the person i purchased the helmet from and he purchased it from Sergio, and he assures me that Sergio is the best on this subject Can we have an opinion from him on it, it would be very much appreciated.
I find this very interesting but I do not know or understand the difference. I could only find one close up picture of an officer eagle but I am not sure that it even shows the beak. Could you guys show me the differences more clearly or in a different way. I'm not trying to be difficult I just don't see it. Thank you.

kurt2 by Joe Robinson, on Flickr
Hi Dragoner
Yes the helmet was purchased by him from Sergio Semino from Frankfurt Germany. I paid a lot of money for this helmet mainly that it originally came from him. I would like to know more about the eagle head, i have also contacted the previous owner with my concerns about it. I did pay top end price for it.
Hi Joerookery
The last picture you have posted looks more like my eagle with the larger gap between the beak ?
Great picture
Hi Dragoner
there is an identical officers eagle for sale on Helmut Weitze web site, you can get a better look at the head on that one.
So I'm completely confused! Is the consensus that the original post is a copy, or authentic???
Apart from different plates and goldfinches on the crown ,Weitze’s , Dragoners and the eagle on top of this topic are identical to the smallest detail ,and if Dragoner knows for a fact that this eagle is an old copy …….