Period Photos: Baden Pioneer and Garde Landwehr


Staff member
I am practising my primitive computer skills today so I thought that I would post a couple of pics from my period photo collection. The first, a Baden Pioneer and second a Garde Landwehr drummer. If any member has either of these helmets post some pictures so that we can all enjoy them. Next send me your address so that I can have Gus and Otto pay you a call. Margo has created a new forum for this topic so here we go gentlemen!!! Brian


Brian and all:

I am still very confused about uniform insignia on reserve and landwehr guard units. It appears they wear the same uniform with litzen but do they wear the same cyphers as the parent unit? So is the only change the helmet wappen (reserve or landwehr)? Now, another related queston, what happens to the uniform insignia for reserve units of regiments with litzen and/ or cyphers. I always presumed that the cyphers went to the regimental number (ie 119th, 89th), but does the litzen go away too? In other words, is the RIR 119 associated with IR 119?

By the way, with the litzen on the Brandenburg cuff (versus Swedish), your guard landwehr drummer would have been from one of the Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nrs. 1-4 (most likely GGR 2,3 or 4 since GGR 1 had white shoulder boards).
