Veni, Vidi, Vici


New member

This lightly colorized CDV is a recent acquisition of ours and to my eye he captures the spirit of the German Infantryman of the 1870-1871 War splendidly. He is posed by the photographer in a very animated position, displaying a great deal of pride and confidence in himself. His left leg has been placed upon a photographers prop (which may be a French Grenadiers Bearskin, can‘t tell for sure) with his left arm resting confidently on his knee. Some allowances should be made for his apparent confidence, for if this image was taken at the beginning of the war, he has yet to experience the horrors still to come. If he survived and this was taken upon his return home, he feels the pride in himself and his recently united country for a job well done.

The technical description would include that he is a Baden soldier, armed with an 1841 model zundnaedelgewehr, with an interesting leather protector strapped over the rear sight of his rifle. The lower scabbard and tip of a possible 1849 pattern faschinenmesser hangs below below his leg. His overcoat is rolled and placed properly over his tornister, with the belt support hooks clearly visible between the loops of his M1850 cartridge pouches. The carefully applied colorization of his cuffs, collar and helmet fittings add greatly to the overall appeal of this old photograph. I was really happy to get this one..he looks as if he can just about step out of that photograph.

