Welcome the gunman !

Yes- Welcome The Gunman,
My very good,long-time friend Mr. Richard Shavel-Has more experience and knowledge then I could ever hope for-Specializes in WW1 Artillery Lugers and Broom Handled Mausers-Maybe he could bless us with some pics one day!-Merry King Weasel
Welcome Gunman
Maybe he could bless us with some pics
Hey, it is Christmas, maybe he could bless us with some WW1 Artillery Lugers and Broom Handled Mausers.
Thank you gentleman. Would love to post some pictures for the forum.
Have to learn how to do it. Look foward to enjoying this forum.
A very merry christmas to one and all.
The Gunman
Hi Gunman,
It would be easer to post the pistols to me, I will send you a copy of my C&R, I would like a red nine for Christmas.
Thanks in advance
Hi Gunman,
Do not pay any attention to Gus, he is psychotic, Otto has posted instructions on how to post photos http://pickelhaubes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=172
Try to pay attention to image size, as a large image tends to make the forum difficult to read.
Best wishes
Hi Gunman. Welcome to the site ... it's an experience that's well worth being involved in ... believe me.

Please be careful of Gus alias Zaphod ... He's been at the window cleaning liquid again, it tends to go to his head .... hence his brain is rotting. But he has got a great display of uniforms, equipment and helmets.